Final Countdown (Spring Week 13)

Week’s Itinerary= Physical Diagnosis Final, Virology Final, & Physiology Final

This is it.  My last week of core classes before electives.  Wow, what a week!  I had to overcome 3 very different finals this week (Physical Diagnosis on Monday, Virology on Wednesday, and Physiology on Friday).  Oh by the way, I finally got my grade back for Ethics.  It was a B.  I am highly disappointed with my grade and because I feel like it is way too late for me to go to the professor and have a plausible argument to boost my grade to a better grade I deserve.  Oh well, I passed so let me quit my distress and be happy. Update:  Hey great news!!  One of my Ethics professors, Dr. Cornell, understood my frustration from an email I sent her, and she took the time to hear me out with why I thought I deserved a better grade on the essays I did.  Guess what . . . my B+ went up to an A-!  Praise the Lord!!  Don’t be afraid to speak from your heart to professors like this kindhearted professor.  They will listen and will take the time to work with you.  Don’t always expect that your grades may be raised though.

The Physical Diagnosis final was a mixture of very easy to very challenging.  The written portion consisted of multiple choice and T/F questions.  Here are some recommendations: take a lot of notes while the doctors are doing a presentation before each lab.  Also, study all handouts plus lecture notes for the written and practical portion of the final.  I also took the practical portion on the same day as the written portion, and I highly encourage you to do this so that it will be out of the way (you want to start focusing on the other finals).  My practical was delayed 30 minutes because the professors were asking a lot of questions.  While I was waiting, I had the opportunity of seeing a mare resting with her newborn foal.  The foal was so cute as it was trying to get up and walk but it kept slipping.

The next final was Virology.  It was a huge challenge for me!  After taking the exam, I predicted I got 15 questions wrong out of 50, and I found out I was very close to that (I got a C).  I would encourage studying everything while also looking at the learning objectives.  This time, I don’t think the learning objectives helped as much as it did in the earlier exams.  Overall, I managed to get a B, which I will take in a heartbeat.  Virology and bacteriology were my least favorite courses because I feel there was not a lot of time to be engrossed with all of the bacteria and viruses like how I would have wanted to.  I felt very rushed.  I did love how my class was quick to helping each other!  I love my class.  I tried uploading completed learning objectives, but I couldn’t finish them.  Classmates pitched in!  Thank you!  Love you guys! 🙂

Here comes the final Final . . . Physiology.  This was another class that I did not favor.  Fortunately, Dr. Sanderson’s power points are very entertaining while you study them.  You will understand what I mean if you get the chance to be in this vet school.  My Class love her so much that we gave her a gift. “Vera Bradley Laptop Portfolio”

We always saw her carrying her laptop without a case, so we wanted her to carry it with ease and style.

 Well, guys, I have not gotten a lot of grades back yet, so I will let you know as soon as I get them (Immunology was an A, Ethics was an A, Anatomy (Large Animals) was a B, Virology was a B, and Physiology II was a B, .  In the meantime, I will be enjoying the rest of my semester doing electives.  Here are the electives I will be attending:

 International Veterinary medicine


Emergency Critical Care

And that’s it!  I am ready to enjoy these classes while also relaxing during these last few weeks of school.  You will not be hearing from me until after my 1st year of vet school is completed.  I will try to compile a list of classes and classmates’ opinions of what they thought about the electives they decided to take part in.  Hopefully, this will help you make the best decision in choosing the right elective.  Take care guys, & feel free to ask me any questions by leaving a comment on the blog.  Oh, by the way.  I have a praise!!  A good friend of mine got into vet school!  He will be going to St. George in the Caribbean, so I am so excited for him.  Congratulations!!

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Through Him,


Exodus 15:2= “The LORD is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; This is my God, and I will praise Him; my father’s God, and I will extol Him”

Welcome Back (Spring Week 12)

Week’s Itinerary= Anatomy Final & Alumni Luncheon

Hey guys!  Spring Break was well needed, but it was cut short due to preparation.  My week right after Spring Break was intense!  I did my last final exam for Anatomy!!!  It was long!  The exam began at 1p, and I did not leave the school until 5:30pm since we had to clean the lab after the exam.  For the practical portion, there were 60 questions with 3 parts in each question.  I kind of like that they did this even if it was long because it gave me a little more cushioning if I did not know the whole answer to a question.  They did more clinical importance findings this time in lab.  For example, they did not just ask you what they had pinned.  They wanted you to explain any type of clinical issue that may occur by that pinned artifact.  Lecture was brutal this time (well . . . more brutal that is).  For test 3, you really need to get a head start with studying the lecture slides because they contained a lot more valuable information than previous exams.

3 finals next week!!  I need a lot of prayer.  Everyone I’ve told were perplexed that I have finals so early.  Unfortunately, I have an annoying cough right now that is preventing me from having a good night’s rest.  I know God will give me the strength to overcome this week.

Still no news on Ethics . . . (This is the longest I have ever waited for my grades/ over a month now)

I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting alums at  an Alumni Luncheon.  I got to meet one of the Deans here at the vet school and Dr. Greene’s wife (one of my Virology professor’s wife).  The food was incredible!  The Dean told me that every 5 years, there is a class reunion, so that is a nice way to keep in touch with your classmates.  They told me great advice for vet school, “Study hard, but also enjoy yourself.  Don’t be like those book worms who constantly study.”  Believe me, I won’t.


On March 13th, I got to celebrate the birthdays of 2 of my friends in Atlanta.  We had a blast!

Tai eating her chicken sandwhich

Tai enjoying  her birthday dinner!  If you all remember from “Let the Games Begin” post, Tai is my good friend from undergrad who came to my graduation

Camille and Kim

I am with my other good friend from undergrad (Kim!)  Happy Birthday guys!!

Atl group pic

Here are my other friends who joined the party.  Miss you already guys!

Through Him,


Romans 12:2= “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Spring Break Awaits Me (Spring Week 10)

Week’s Itinerary= Pig Anatomy Quiz & Immunology Final

After this week, you will be welcomed by the joy and splendor of Spring Break!  I always write my posts for my blog at the end of the week, so I am in total bliss right now!  It was an intense week, so I am just oozing with relaxation.  OK, enough of that 🙂

We finally got back our Virology exam.  I did not fail!!  I got a B!  Praise Jehovah!  So, how I prepared for the exam was beneficial.  Study with a classmate guys and quiz each other.  It really helps, but this exam was a tough one.

Our Physiology was returned to us as well this week.  I got an A!  God is so good!  I studied with two other people this time, and it was so helpful.  Also, I took 2 classes of Animal reproduction during my undergrad years, so I highly recommend taking them (General Reproduction and Equine Reproduction).

On Thursday in Anatomy lab, we had our pig quiz.  It was not bad at all.  Just focus on terms and anatomy that are unique to the pig.  It was also our last lab together with my lab partners. I got all sentimental and gave them a hug saying how much they meant to me.  I know, I’ll still see them in class 🙂

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Thanks again for being such great and patient lab partners! I hope we can partner up again sometime in the future.

The last exam before Spring Break was our Immunology final.  Studying for this final was agonizing because I kept seeing the light of peace and rest beaming from what next week brings.  I do not usually look at the syllabus, so I found out the day before the final that it was weighted very heavily.  The final counted for 50% toward our overall grade!!!!  Talk about scary.  Nutrition last semester was like this and Anatomy is like this.  Guess what . . . I got an A!!!  That means overall I got an A in the class.  Raise the ROOF! 🙂  God has been blessing me so much recently.

Still no updates on Ethics grade . . .

Well, talk to you later in about 2 weeks!  Blessings!!  Remember, if you have any questions, feel free to write a comment on my blog, and I’ll be happy to help!

Through Him,


2 Corinthians 5:17= “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

Didn’t See it Coming (Spring Week 9)

Week’s Itinerary= Virology Test 2

Okay, so I prepared for Virology to the best of my abilities and Monday’s exam arrived . . . a Horrible experience!!!  Dr. Greene’s portion was brutal!  I don’t have any tips to advise you for preparation.  I thought how I prepared by quizzing with a friend was enough, but the professor was very difficult with his questions.  Even people who usually get As in everything thought this exam was mind boggling.

Guys, I finally got my Anatomy exam 2 grade!  You all ready for what I got?  . . . it was my first  sensational A ever in Anatomy!!!


I was in shock & 3 classmates gave me a hug congratulating me.  It’s a big deal to get As in that class.  It feels like an incredible victory.  We have a mini quiz in lab next week where they will be testing us on pig anatomy.  Hope it won’t be too stressful.  We also had horse palpation quiz.  It was not too bad at all.  Just relax.  Dr. Gogal tries to make you feel comfortable.

For Ethics, we have yet to get our final grade back.  It has been well over 2 weeks.  You have to be very patient with getting grades back for this class.

I had the wonderful opportunity of going on a CDC trip!  I thoroughly enjoyed myself!  The main reason why I went was to see where the scenes of the movie “Contagion” and the show “The Walking Dead” took place 🙂  I know, it was a silly reason, but I thought it was cool when one of the CDC administers guiding us was just as enthused with my interest in the show as I was.  We saw a model of the CDC campus and he showed the actual building where “The Walking Dead” was used in the show even though they did not actually shoot it there.  The tour was funny because we could not go into about 70% of the rooms because they were off limits and potentially detrimental to our lives due to the high levels of infectious diseases that they are testing.  I did get to see 2 adorable monkeys in their cages though.  After the tour, I was trying to be as polite and formal by thanking the administrator who worked at CDC well over 10 years by shaking his hand, but it was the most awkward and embarrassing handshake I have given a person in my entire life 🙂  Thankfully, he was very sweet though.  The trip itself heading to and from CDC was memorable!  I had great random conversations and hilarious moments with the crew that went with me on the trip.

Through Him,


Matthew 7:13-14= “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.